Journal Information
Print Edition ISSN: 1225-651X
Web Edition ISSN: 1976-5525
Aims and Scope
The Journal of Economic Integration aims to offer relevant policy implications on the ongoing process of globalization. Economic integration is multi-dimensional, covering every field in economics. While any papers enriching our understanding of economic integration are welcome, we are particularly interested in the regional integration in Europe, Asia, and Latin America. Our aim is to keep in touch with the latest developments in research of economic integration as well as setting the agenda for the future global economy. In order to be considered for publication, submitted manuscripts have to be based on solid and analytical economic methodologies and provide policy implications related to economic integration.
Journal Metrics
- 1.2 (2023) Impact Factor
- 2.3 (2023) CiteScore
- Q2 (2023) CiteScore Best Quartile
- 0.920 (2023) SNIP
- 0.407 (2023) SJR
All or part of Journal of Economic Integration is indexed by ESCI, Scopus,
DOI/CrossRef, and Google Scholar.
Within the "General Economics, Econometrics and Finance" category, the Journal of Economic Integration is ranked 100th of 288 journals covered in the SCOPUS database (top 35 percentile) as of 2023. For comparison, the Korean Economic Review (published by the Korean Economic Association) is ranked 224th, and the Global Economic Review (published by the Institute of East and West Studies at Yonsei University) is ranked 131st as of 2023.
About the Journal
Journal of Economic Integration (JEI) was founded in the second half of the 1980s by Dr. CHOO, Myung-Gun, who has believed that the closely integrating world economy needs to be managed in a more efficient and desirable way so that poverty and crisis would become almost forgotten words in the near future.
Such undertaking requires us to be ready with a deep understanding of the financial, real, and institutional aspects of economic integration. The JEI is quarterly published in a year (March 1st, June 1st, September 1st, and December 1st).
The Journal exists on this mission and has been supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea Grant funded by the Korean government.
The Journal of Economic Integration (JEI) has made steady progress for more than 30 years since its inception in 1986, with the aim of contributing to resolving common problems in the global economy, such as financial crisis, poverty, income inequality, and low growth by enhancing understanding of the integration of the global economy and drawing policy implications. Thanks to the contributions of many researchers around the world, our journal is listed in SCOPUS, ESCI, KCI, etc., and currently ranks 64th out of 279 economics-related journals listed on SCOPUS.
The JEI Editing Committee decided to change the journal publication format from simultaneous on-and-off-line publication to online-only publication from June 2019 in light of the steady increase in online accessibility and the dramatic decrease in demand and preference for offline publications after adopting Open Access. The Open access policy will remain in place and we will shortly provide information about a refund policy for a paid subscriber.
Against the backdrop of the recent trade conflict between the U.S. and China, and Brexit, which have hampered the integration of the global economy, this editorial committee intends to publish papers that can contribute to understanding and seeking solutions for the current problems in the global economy from various perspectives on trade, finance, business, and labor in addition to the issues related to the narrow concept of regional economic integration. We ask for your attention and input.
Journal Impact Factor 1.2
Journal of Economic Integration is indexed by ESCI,
DOI/CrossRef, and Google Scholar.
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