Internationalization in Tertiary Education: Intra-European Students Mobility |
Nikos P. Rachaniotis, Filareti Kotsi, George M. Agiomirgianakis, |
Hellenic Open University, Patras, Greece Zayed University, Dubai, UAE |
Corresponding Author:
Nikos P. Rachaniotis ,Tel: +30 6938187625, Email: |
Copyright ©2013 The Journal of Economic Integration |
The enhanced internationalization and mobility of European students reflects an undoubtedly
important aspect of human capital investment. This paper examines the internationalization
of European students in tertiary education and the factors that determine the probability of a
student moving to a European country other than their own. The main goals of the Bologna
Process and a framework of definitions of student mobility are presented, as well as factors that
may motivate and hamper this process. A linear regression model of the market shares of intra-
European students and a linear regression model of the ratios of foreign incoming/outgoing
students of European countries are estimated. Finally, a Classification and Regression Tree
(CART) algorithm is applied in order to explain the reasoning behind the decisions of students
for long-term study abroad. The paper suggests that policy measures towards increasing student
mobility flows will extend economic integration of the countries involved via human capital
development and are most likely to increase present and future economic flows in a tangible
JEL Classification
J24: Human Capital; Skills; Occupational Choice; Labor Productivity F22: International Migration I23: Higher Education and Research Institutions |
Educational Economics | Human Capital | Tertiary Education | Student Mobility | Foreign/International Student | Linear Regression Analysis | CART Algorithm
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