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The Journal of Economic Integration 2021 December;36(4) :549-606.
Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, and Environmental Consequences

Dhimitri Qirjo1 Razvan Pascalau1 Robert Christopherson 1 and

1SUNY Plattsburgh, USA
Corresponding Author: Dhimitri Qirjo ,Email:
Copyright ©2021 The Journal of Economic Integration
We empirically investigate the effect of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership on the per capita emissions of eight air pollutants and municipal waste. By introducing the same explanatory variables and applying the same empirical strategy and methodologies as in Qirjo and Pascalau (2019), we provide robust evidence suggesting that the implementation of the partnership could be beneficial to the environment because it may reduce per capita emissions of CH4, hydrofluorocarbons/ perfluorinated chemicals/ SF6, N2O, NH3, and SF6 for a typical partnership member. This result is based on statistically significant evidence showing that, on average, the pollution haven motive based on national per capita income variations is dominated by the factor endowment argument based on the Heckscher-Ohlin trade theory and the pollution haven motive originating from an inverse measurement of national population density differences. However, we also report statistically significant evidence that the implementation of the partnership could denigrate the environment by increasing per capita emissions of SO2 and municipal waste.

JEL Classification
F18: Trade and Environment
F53: International Agreements and Observance; International Organizations
F64: Environment
Keywords: Free Trade | Environmental Economics | TTIP | Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership
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